
Solar Power

Bees, butterflies, and other insect pollinators are disappearing at an alarming rate. Some species, such as the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, have been listed as endangered species. Other species, including the Monarch Butterfly, are at risk of becoming endangered. Planting pollinator friendly habitat is the best way to help these species that pollinate the plants that we rely on for food, medicine, and other materials. Instead of planting turf grass or covering the area with rocks, develop the available space surrounding a solar installation as pollinator habitat.

In 2018, with support from solar energy businesses​ and conservation groups, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Illinois Pollinator-Friendly Solar Site Act (525 ILCS 55/). To be recognized as a “pollinator friendly solar site,” the owner or manager of the site must complete the appropriate solar site scorecard with a passing score. 

Completion of a scorecard does not meet or replace any requirements of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources consultation process. To complete the consultation process please go to EcoCAT.


Illinois Department of Natural Resources Link
The National Great Rivers Research & Education Center Link 2wav Link