
Are you interested in certifying your property as wildlife-friendly habitat? This is a short list of just a few of the many certification programs available:

Illinois Audubon Society: Bird and Butterfly Sanctuary Certification

National Wildlife Federation: Certify Your Habitat to Help Wildlife!

Heartlands Conservancy: Conservation@Home Program

Wildlife Habitat Council: WHC Conservation Certification

Monarch Watch: Monarch Waystation Program: Register & Certify Your Monarch Waystation Site

American Forest Foundation, Certified Tree Farm Program

Disclaimer: The IDNR maintains a list of entities that provide habitat certifications as a courtesy to the public. Inclusion on this list does not constitute any recommendation or endorsement by the IDNR. Requests for inclusion to the list should be made at: dnr.cicada@illinois.gov


Illinois Department of Natural Resources Link
The National Great Rivers Research & Education Center Link 2wav Link